Friday, April 4, 2008

Val Kilmer assaulted live on radio show

From the Pittsburgh Tribune Review:

Oh wait, it's not THAT Iceman from Top Gun? OK, anyhow, a guy who goes by the name of Iceman (he actually sells ice) was live on the radio, via telephone, talking smack about the local fire department when someone, driving either a city vehicle or an ambulance, took offense. The driver pulled into the parking lot of North Pole Ice in Uniontown, assaulting the owner, Brian "Iceman" Oros, live on the afternoon radio show "Let's Talk."

"He hits me in the left side of the face," said Oros, who yesterday had a barely detectable bruise and bump on one side of his face. "I hit him back."

The lesson? Don't mess with the fire department.

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